In the ginormous online world there is one true popularity contest.
What is this lady talking about (you ask as if you don’t know exactly what I mean)?
I am talking about the new favorite pastime of the 30-somethings out there (predominately women who need more ways to talk because face to face, phone, and texting aren’t enough anymore). That’s right: Blogging. Exactly what I am doing right this minute. Typing nothing in particular to the 3 people who actually read my blog (My mother, My sister, and My friend Danette who soon won’t have any time to read it because she is pregnant with twins and has 4 at home already (Congratulations!!!)) or even know where to find it. For a long time I have wondered why the heck I do it (because even though I say I do it for me, it is always nice to know that my views are shared by other grownups). But now I know. What I am trying to tell you is that I have arrived.
I have finally thrown my hat into the popularity ring to duke it out with the other competitors. Now, I am starting small but the longest journey begins with the first step right? For those of you who are still confused as to what the HAL I am talking about let me spell it out for you.
I have been linked, tagged, included on someone else’s blog as a friend or family!!!!
Now I am on my way to online world domination.
I really thought that I would have to start a second blog and link it to this blog before I could claim this victory (yes, I know that having 2 blogs linked together is sort of cheating but popular kids can’t always play but the rules). The joy that this event has caused me is overwhelming. It really lets you know who your true friends are (and mine is my friend Danette whom I have previously sent a “shout out” to!!!!). I have several blogs listed on my blog, but that has more to do with my poor memory then anything else. Now that I know the joys and responsibilities that come with being “linked” I might have to get a little pickier. I might have to come up with some sort of application process to make my links (I can’t go disappointing the faithful 3). I mean this is really a huge amount of pressure. What if one of her friends clicks on my link and doesn’t think I have enough pictures or doesn’t enjoy my title? I really might have to rethink my entire layout. I have so much to do and think about that I should really get to it.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am somebody now. However, if there is somebody that I have overlooked who may have had my link on their blog before now, please let me know so that I can rank you above Danette as my very very best friend. Have a great day and Remember to check back often to see how I handle the new pressure.
Thanks for the "shout out"!! You made me laugh and I REALLY needed it today! and you are right, the "blog" world is highly competitive!!
I always thought you were somebody...somebody who liked my cookies because you wanted one...somebody who sold self-bagged candy and flowers from the florist's dumpster for extra cash (and who did pretty well at it)...somebody who was blond, but scored really high on all the tests...honestly, Katy, you arrived and were well on the way to world domination of one type or another, YEARS AGO (31, to be exact). I oughta know I was there! (Did I mention you were somebody who gave away her dog that her mom got her for her b-day?)
OMG now you guys are making the blog world competitive. What happen to just keep all your friends conected? Hey I read your blog too... I like blogs because, it has so many new recipies and great ideas...but that is just me..
miss you at the back to school breakfast...
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