Speaking of, I am ashamed to say that I have secum to the will of almost every LDS woman I have ever met and read the stupid books. I would have to say that I found then intense, fun, and tantalizing. Overall, I am ok with the way they progressed and I approve of them as a whole. I am however upset that the guy playing Edward in the movie has bushy eyebrows. I mean overly, amazingly bushy eyebrows to the point that I’m sure he is sporting some “product” in them. That is all I am going to say about that.
Also I have given up on my latest attempt to give up caffeine. It was really ridicules and pointless to try anyway. All I ended up doing was suffering through a pretty rough headache for 2 days and then going to Burger King and downing a 44 ouncer with my flame broiled Whopper. Sorry to disappoint those of you who had faith in me but I am only human. And anyway, most of you who would have had faith in me didn’t even know I was doing it because you have either refused to answer your cell phone or followed the rest of the traitors over to AT&T. I refuse to waste my precious minutes on you and your new plan. Verizon all the way baby!!!! Can You Hear Me Now? Good. Sorry, I do tend to get a little carried away from time to time. But what can I say? I am passionate!

Katy, you are such a crack-up! Thanks for making me laugh today!!! Your house looks pretty clean too.
Katy, you are such a crack-up! Thanks for making me laugh today!! By the way...you house looks great and pretty clean!
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