Friday, September 5, 2008

Growing Girls and Smelly Cows. Did I mention that my house is for sale?

As some of you know because I may have mentioned it (or not. I really can’t remember what I write and I don’t really care enough to read back through my stuff because I already read it once.) we are attempting to move.

To shake the monsoon dust off our boots and blow this dairy town (that is really funny because when the monsoons come in they blow up this gigantic wall of dust and so it is dusty. Also we live very close to Gilbert, AZ and no matter where you are in Gilbert you smell the sweet scent of cow manure blowing off the Dairy. I am so cleaver).

We now have our house on the market and I know that some of you are dying to see the type of squalor I’m living in (either that or you have seen it and are wondering if it is ever clean) so I snapped some photos for you. I might have to add a few on anoth blog post today. So, if you care, look for those. I am not a professional but you get the general idea. So if any of you know someone who is in need of a lovely domicile outside of Phoenix feel free to let me (or them) know.

Also my beautiful little bundle of baby girl joy has just hit her 4 month mark and some of you don’t care enough to come and see her in person so I will post some pictures of her. I should be mad at you for not being here but a baby this cute needs to be seen by everyone so they can awe at her loveliness and be sad that their babies aren’t quite up to snuff. (Too much again? Sorry, like I said, I do get a little passionate and tend to go overboard. But look at the pictures. Can you blame me?)


The Zoo Keeper said...

Your hosue looks GREAT!! Did you sell it??

jnkbarton said...

She is very cute!!! Where did you put all your food storage??

The Zoo Keeper said...

Hey. I need your email address, please sent me an email or call me!
I washed my cell phone and lost your number!!!( I have a terrible case of pregnancy brain!)

Sarah said...

You haven't updated in a while, so I tagged you! :)